Monday, June 16, 2008

Troops 'kill' gunmen in Dagestan

Russian troops outside the Gimry tunnel during an operation in October
Reports from the North Caucasus region of Dagestan say five rebels have been killed by Russian security forces in an operation that is still going on.

Helicopter gunships and mortar crews have been bombarding the gorge near the Chechen border where heavily armed gunmen are believed to be hiding.

The fighting is near the Gimry road tunnel, which has been attacked by militants in the past.

Russian TV described the gunmen as hardened fighters.

Dagestani Interior Minister Adilgerey Magomedtagirov, who is personally leading the operation against them, said the eight included one man on an international wanted list "for an attempt on the life of a law-enforcer".

They were armed with assault rifles, machineguns and grenade launchers and were holding out in a well-equipped bunker, he told Russian television.

The besiegers include spetsnaz commandos and Omon paramilitary police.

Dagestan has seen sporadic attacks on security forces by local Islamist militants, often backed by Chechen fighters.

An invasion of the region by Chechen-led gunmen in 1999 was used by Moscow as part of its justification for sending Russian troops back into Chechnya to oust the separatist government there.

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